
Select the Photo option along the left side of the book editor screen. Select the photo box with the plus (+) sign. Select the file you wish to upload from the list of files on your desktop. Select the Open button to add to your library.
Yes. You must save the image of the artwork as a file to upload to the website.
Move your mouse over a button to see a description of its function.
The website will automatically save your work every 10 seconds. There is also a Save button in the book editor that you can use to save anytime you want.
Select the Photo option along the left side of the book editor screen. Drag and drop a photo that you have uploaded to the site into the Photo Box in your layout. You may also drag and drop a photo onto a page without a layout to position the image anywhere on the page.
Select the Photo Box in your layout that you want to delete. Choose the Trash Can image under Remove Selected Image to delete. The action can be reversed with the Redo button along the top of the book editor. You can also remove a photo in your photo library by selecting the Photo option along the left side of the book editor screen. Select the Trash Can image on the photo you want to remove. This action cannot be undone. You must upload the photo again to make it available.
Select the Text Box in your layout. You can select the style and size of the text in the Text Properties window that appears to the left of your layout. You can adjust the text option even after you finish typing. You can also add text by selecting the Type option along the left side of the book editor screen. Drag and drop the text style you want into your layout. Select the Text Box to add, edit, delete and access the Text Properties window.
Click the Browse Books link at the top of the website. Mouse over the book you want to delete and select Delete from the options that appear. This is a permanent action and the book can not be restored to your account. You must purchase a new book or edit an available book on your account.